Abe Abraham

Orange Sky

The littered landscape has changed
The dust on my face is smearing in the rain
And for the first time I don’t know what to say
And now the orange sky is traveling my way

The reverend dropped by today
Said “It’s too late to judge and too early to pray”
But I figured all that much before he came
And now the orange sky is traveling my way

The mountain is thinking about the plains
Where the dawn horizon is faded red to gray
And I told him not to cry, there’s none to blame
Anything will burn with plenty flame
And now the orange sky is traveling my way

The faceless crowd turned away
When the asked who I was I said, “I got no real name”
And they whispered “What a waste” and “Such a shame”
But the way I feel no poet can explain
I would die a thousand times before I caved
And now the orange sky is traveling my way

The fat pigs tremble and shake
The master of the farm’s about to stretch himself awake
And hanging from his belt, a frozen blade
When everybody’s looking to be saved
While sitting on the keys to their own cage
And now the orange sky is traveling my way