Abe Abraham

Started as a Letter

This started as a letter
The third one that I wrote for you tonight
The first one I misspelled your name
The second one, I sounded too uptight

So now I'm giving up on ever saying
What I wanted you to know
Oh but if you ever wanna dance with me again
Just come and let me know

I got bored of basic things
Every move I made was planned and plain
So I hitchhiked into the desert
Walked around in circles til it rained

Seven weeks I wandered where the wise
And careful men refuse to go
Oh but if you ever wanna dance with me again
Just come and let me know

And I sat in the sun
Wrote a hundred songs
And I burned them all yeah
And the clouds explode
So I headed home

I tried to write a fairy tale
A princess and a frog and love and pain
It was fine a couple pages but it
Felt good when I threw it all away

Now I’m stuck with these characters and
Trying to find a place for them to go
Oh but if you ever wanna dance with me again
Just come and let me know